
ThislistofcompaniesandstartupsinHongKonginthemanufacturingspaceprovidesdataontheirfundinghistory,investmentactivities,andacquisition ...,GetaccesstoLusha'sdatabaseofbusinessleadsfrommanufacturingcompaniesinHongkong.180companiesarelistedinourdatabase(showing1-99).,由HLLeung著作·1979·被引用7次—manufacturingindustriesinHongKongastheywereintheearlytomid-1950s(Leung,1976).TheBritishColonyofHongKong...

List of top Hong Kong Manufacturing Companies

This list of companies and startups in Hong Kong in the manufacturing space provides data on their funding history, investment activities, and acquisition ...

Top Manufacturing companies in Hong kong

Get access to Lusha's database of business leads from manufacturing companies in Hong kong. 180 companies are listed in our database (showing 1 - 99).

Location of Manufacturing Industries in Hong Kong

由 HL Leung 著作 · 1979 · 被引用 7 次 — manufacturing industries in Hong Kong as they were in the early to mid-1950s (Leung, 1976). The British Colony of Hong Kong had virtually no natural ...


S · Sino Biopharmaceutical Limited · Solvil et Titus · SUNGEN International Limited. X. Xinyi Glass. Z. Zama Group.

Hong Kong

There are some heavy industries such as shipbuilding and repair and aircraft engineering. Steel rolling, production of machine parts and plastics, and cement ...

Manufacturing - Hong Kong Industry Profiles

Here shows the profiles of major manufacturing industries in Hong Kong.

Manufacturing in Hong Kong

The largest industries at the time were shipbuilding, textile manufacturing, torches and plastic shoes. These goods were sold to Mainland China as well as other ...

Hong Kong: The Facts

Hong Kong's manufacturing enterprises are mainly SMEs. Of the 7 845 manufacturing business units in end 2022, 98.7 per cent engaged fewer than 100 persons. The ...

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能
